Learning to be a DSM

I am part of the stage management team and am working with Jane on the book for David Copperfield, which is something I have not fully done before. We note down every movement an actor makes: their entrances and exits, whether they sit or stand, walk past each other or lift someone. We use symbols and signs for each character and action so we can record the blocking and keep up with the rehearsal. 

Changes are very frequent when blocking a production, especially for David Copperfield because it has a lot of movement. Soon enough the show changes and reshapes itself. The closer the production comes, the more jobs you have to do, for example finding props. This week we made the props list and then found them all in the cupboard or loft. Looking through all the used props is one of my favourite parts of working backstage; Finding notebooks where actors have written their lines from plays performed before I was even born is incredibly interesting.

But for me, the best part of the 1066 youth theatre is being part of a fantastic group of people.

Anna Magnanti


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