David Copperfield Rehearsal Day Five

Today marked the last full day in our first week of 'David Copperfield' rehearsals at the Stables Theatre, and I think it would be fair to say that by the half-way point things are coming along very well indeed. 'Copperfield' will be my third production with the youth theatre and under the direction of Niall, Barbara and Maureen the quality of theatre we manage to create in such a small space of time is always something I'm very proud to be a part of.

After some warm-up games which got the whole group laughing, the morning comprised of devising physical movement scenes with the chorus, dramatising key events in David's story; from his job in the noisy bottle factory, to his long trip to see his aunt in Dover. Watching from the auditorium seats, it was clear that the chorus are really coming together as a group and their scenes together were effective and very well executed.

Much of the morning I spent learning lines. My character often takes on a somewhat supernatural presence in the play, looking back on David's early life and recounting his tale. Because of this, many of my lines include long descriptions of events and characters, which, whilst as an actor are great fun to perform, can take time to learn.

After lunch I was pleased to be off-book for the rehearsing of a few scenes early on in the play taking place in the cruel Murdstones' house. An issue I had with a few of my lines, wherein they felt very unnatural and forced, was resolved after a conversation with Barbara where it was decided that I would deliver the lines whilst fussing about David, making him presentable for the Murdstones in order to make the scene more active.

The last two hours or so of the day involved a run through of all the scenes we have rehearsed so far which comprise much of Act One. The run was very successful, and as my character Peggotty is very involved in the first eight or so scenes, I found it very beneficial for my characterisation to trace my character's journey through the play chronologically for the first time, knowing where I was and how I was feeling in the prior scene.

As a whole, I would say that our first run through of Act One was very successful, I can really see the piece coming together and our hard work and dedication is really paying off. I look forward to what the next week holds.

Katie Marks
(Peggotty in David Copperfield)


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