David Copperfield Rehearsal Day Eight

It's safe to say that today has been one of the most tiring, yet rewarding, days at the Stables Theatre so far. My feet are aching, my entire body is overwhelmed with a sense of fatigue, however, this tiredness wasn't all for nothing.

Throughout the course of the day we have run countless scenes, sometimes performing them for the very first time on stage, and other times reworking certain aspects of the scene, for example, to sort out staging, or to explore new ideas and concepts. The sheer amount of scenes we have run through today has given the cast, and crew, a sense of pride, as it gave us a visual representation of just how much hard work and effort we have put into this play over our time at the Stables.

Although we've only been working on 'David Copperfield' for just over a week now, the strength of the bonds made between cast members are ones like friends who have known each other for decades. When acting, there has to be a sense of trust between all actors performing, otherwise it becomes extremely difficult to explore the script, and truly immerse yourself into a scene. However, even after just a week of rehearsals, the cast have shown the dedication and commitment needed to create a brilliant production. All the effort that has been put into this show will surely pay off when we showcase our take on 'David Copperfield' to a welcomed audience.

Eleanor Holman
(Betsey Trotwood in David Copperfield)


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