Song to the Siren: Rehearsal Day Two

It’s only the second day of rehearsal but it already feels a though a week has gone by. This is my second year doing 1066 Youth Theatre and so far it just keeps getting better. Last year I came into this group knowing nobody and coming out with a whole set of friends I'd have otherwise never met. This year I'm still finding myself meeting people whose position I was in a year ago, and trying to make them feel as welcome as everyone else did to me.

In the morning we worked on developing the first story, using most of the cast to create a boat. It is so great to see so many people of different ages and experience working together so well. For the afternoon we all separated off into groups to work on small projects. It is so nice to be trusted to work alone and makes you more responsible in terms of improving your own acting rather than relying on others to point it out to you. However, it was nice to finish the day as an ensemble, joining some scenes from yesterday with new ones. Although the days so far have been tiring they have also been amazingly good fun and I can't wait to watch this show take shape over the next couple of weeks. Bryony - Siren, Young Miner, Storyteller, Musician


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