Song to the Siren: Rehearsal Day Six

With this only being my first year at the youth theatre, I have been amazed by how inviting, enthusiastic and dedicated every one has been. Not to mention talented. I have had the opportunity to work along side a variety of different actors and actresses that all bring different skills and techniques to their roles - as well as form friendships with people I would not have met if not for the 1066 Youth Theatre. 

Though it is only a week since we began, it feels like much longer due to the amount of progress we have made in all of the short stories. The contrast between each of the many plays keeps us all busy as we switch from mystical stories of sirens and the Greek gods, to intense sword fights or an emotional scene. Although each day can be tiring, it seems worth it every time we run a play through and see the story forming.

Today, a group of us worked on creating a way to show the sea carrying my character Cherry in The Giant's Necklace. We tested a few lifts we wanted to use as well as beginning to blend them into one cohesive movement. Overall, I have enjoyed my first week thoroughly and am sure our next week will be just as great.

Anna Mann - Cherry, Young James


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